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Oracle LiveLabs – Free workshop for all

Oracle LiveLabs portal is a place for DIY workshop for Oracle’s tools and technologies. It caters a wide variety of labs with workshops for Developers, Database admins, DevOps engineers, Data scientists, etc. It was available for public quite a long back but Oracle is now promoting it aggressively so that most people get aware about it and take full benefits for this amazing utility. In this post will share what all experiments you can do in LiveLabs as a database admin.

First thing first, Oracle LiveLabs  is a web portal designed at the top of Oracle Apex, Link here. Once you are on the home page, you can see it offers workshops not just for DBA but for developers, data scientist and DevOps engineers too, however, in this blog we are discussing for DBAs only. It will also show you some featured labs. Same as learning explorer, you need an Oracle SSO account to access the Oracle LiveLabs. If you don’t have an Oracle account you can create one for free with your email.

Oracle LiveLabs

Once you click on DBA link from the Oracle LiveLabs home page, you can access all the various workshop available for DBAs which includes always free, free trail credits and paid credits also. from the right sidebar we can filter the workshop based on workshop type, role, focus area, product and level of knowledge.

You can start at your own pace and will to learn, once you click on any workshop available, it will give you bunch of option to start the workshop with, you can start with free trail, run on your tenancy, etc. In below example I started Database 19c- Automatic Indexing workshop.

After launching the workshop, it will lead you to guided instruction to follow which includes the videos demos, lab links and documentations to follow along to complete the workshop.

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