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Alibaba Apsara Clouder Technical Certifications overview

If you are in IT industry, you know that cloud computing is the new normal. Whichever IT technology you are supporting Cloud Computing is a must’ve skill nowadays. There are many big player as cloud providers which offers great products and services and help you to start your cloud journey, Alibaba Cloud is one of them, It gives you a free account in Alibaba Cloud to leverage over 40 Products for Free that worth $450-$1300 USD. It also comes with up to 12 months usage for Elastic Compute Service. You can explore all the free benefits here.

Once you get familiar with the console and understand the Alibaba Cloud’s various offering in *aaS, you can pick your area of interest by going for each topics individually like, big data, networking, databases etc. To begin this journey Alibaba offers Apsara Clouder Technical Certifications.

These are single certification courses dive into a specific function or use of an Alibaba Cloud product. Courses range from 30 mins to 1 hour and verify the users understanding of an Alibaba Cloud product’s function. Clouder courses are the building blocks for our higher level courses and offer an opportunity for users to learn a certain operation to improve their ability to work with our products and build solutions. This consist of a training video and 2 attempts for a certification exam you opt in.

Many of them cost less a Rupee for some certification in cloud computing, big data, cloud security, etc.

Currently there are 100+  Clouder certification available, you can find complete catalog here.

I am being a DBA started to explore their “Operate and manage RDS” on Alibaba cloud.

Apsara Clouder

Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn for any query regarding Apsara Clouder Technical Certifications.

Happy Learning!

~Thank you for reading

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