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How to install PostgreSQL 13 in Oracle Linux

PostgreSQL 13 Released on 24 Sep 2020 with significant improvements to its indexing and lookup system, including space savings and performance gains for indexes, faster response times for queries that use aggregates or partitions, better query planning when using enhanced statistics, parallelized vacuuming and incremental sorting, and more. In this short post will share the installation steps of the latest version on PostgreSQL.

Go to PostgreSQL downloads for Linux and choose the database version you need, platform and architecture of your Linux flavor (13, Oracle Linux and x86_64 in my case). This will provide you customized scripts to install the repository, postgreSQL server and option to initialize automatic start.

Install the repository (All queries used are at the bottom of the post).

Install PostgreSQL 13 Server

Initialize the database

Enable PostgrSQL-13 service for auto start after reboot.

By default, PostgresSQL creates a user ‘postgres’ with the role ‘postgres’. It also creates a system account with the same name ‘postgres’. You can connect to Postgres server, log in to your system as user postgres and connect the database. If you want to create a other OS user and database user for postgreSQL databases please follow this post.



# Install the repository RPM:
yum install -y

# Install PostgreSQL:
yum install -y postgresql13-server

#Initialize database with PGDATA location
/usr/pgsql-13/bin/postgresql-13-setup initdb /var/lib/pgsql/13/data

#enable automatic start:
systemctl enable postgresql-13
systemctl start postgresql-13


service postgresql-13 start
service postgresql-13 status


~Thankyou for reading

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