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How to permanently delete a tenancy in oracle cloud

I had two tenancies associated with my email and each one comprises always free tier plus 30 day’s free credits, thanks to AIOUG‘s ogyatra HOL sessions that whitelisted my email to access the second one. Once the 30 days credit got over I decided to terminate one of my tenancy for manageability purpose. So I googled how to permanently delete a tenancy in oracle cloud, surprisingly I haven’t got anything solid on this subject. After searching further I came to know about this oracle cloud support Live Chat feature where you can speak with their representative, they informed me about few things:

  1. Trial accounts can not be terminated prior to the stipulated time frame (30 days).
  2. You will have the option to continue using Oracle Cloud Services by upgrading to a paid account or keep using always free objects.
  3. You can raise an SR with Oracle Support to terminate the tenancy after 30 days if you don’t wish to continue.
  4. Upon termination of your subscription, your system administrator will have 60 days to transfer your content and software for the terminated service from Oracle Cloud to a local system. After 60 days, Oracle will permanently delete any remaining content and software related to the terminated services.

So I did raised the SR with support and asked to terminate my one of the two tenancies.

~Thankyou for reading.


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